General Terms and Conditions

They contain the rights and obligations of Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (hereinafter referred to as: Seller) and the Customer wishing to purchase products offered on the website (hereinafter: Customer) in relation to the product sales contract.

Upon the Customer’s purchase through the webshop, a contractual legal relationship is established between the customer and the Seller under the conditions written in this contract, which is concluded in electronic form, and shall be deemed to be in writing pursuant to Section 6:7(3) of the Civil Code.

The conditions for the use of products and services available through the website are regulated by Act CVIII of 2001 on E-commerce and Certain Issues Regarding Information Society Services (E-Commerce Act).

The Seller is not subject to any code of conduct.

These GTC shall be accessible and can be downloaded any time from the following website: https://helpee.hu/

Seller delivers products ordered from https://helpee.hu/ only to Hungarian addresses.



Name: Helpee Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

Registered seat: H-2400 Dunaújváros, Vasmű út 51. 1. em. 4.

Mailing address: H-1862 Budapest, ePostabox utca 10.

Company registration number: 07-09-032044

Tax number: 29172726-2-07

Registering court: Registry Court of the Székesfehérvár Regional Court

Represented by: MOLNÁR Boglárka, managing director, independently


Seller’s contact details:

Email: hello@helpee.hu

(electronic mailing address regularly used for communicating with users)

Phone number: +36 20 464 9250


Name, seat and contact details of the Hosting Provider:


company name: DiMa.hu Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
registered seat: H-4032 Debrecen, Békessy Béla utca 9. C. ép. 3. em. 10.

mailing address: H-4032 Debrecen, Békessy Béla utca 9. C. ép. 3. em. 10.

company registration number: 09-09-014017

tax number: 14079665-2-09 community VAT number: HU14079665


The webshop is operated by the Seller, who acts in its own name when concluding the contract.



  • These GTC are valid until revoked. The Seller has the right to unilaterally modify the provisions of the GTC, which shall be published before they enter into force.
  • By visiting, placing an order or registering on the website, the Customer declares that they have read and accepted the terms and conditions of these GTC and the Privacy Notice published on the website and that they are bound by them.



  • The webshop was created for the sale of disposable, water-soluble paper funnels for comfortable and hygienic peeing.
  • The product has been tested, the test report certifies that it is safe to use and complies with the requirements of the standard MSZ EN ISO 17516:2014 and the requirements of the Consumer Protection and Food Safety Office’s directive. The product does not contain any substance that is harmful to humans or the living environment
  • The products displayed can only be ordered online via the website; enquiries via email or other channels do not constitute an order.
  • The indicated prices are in HUF and contain the amount of VAT required by law, but they do not contain the cost of home delivery. The Customer can find out the packaging and postage prices from the current prices generated on the website during the ordering process
  • The Customer accepts that due to the nature of the product and the postal charges (in view of their price and weight), the Seller imposes a significant quantitative restriction on the product.
  • The significant quantity restriction means that the Customer may only buy one box per order. However, customers have the option to place multiple orders, but can only purchase one box per order. The Customer also has the option to buy a carton (containing 10 boxes) of the product, in which case there is no quantitative restriction.
  • In the webshop, the Seller shall provide the product’s name, a detailed description of its essential properties and a photo of it. Photos placed on the products’ specifications may differ from the appearance of the product; they may serve the purposes of illustration. Some production series may differ aesthetically from each other, an aesthetic difference between the delivered product and the photograph shall not constitute grounds for withdrawal from the contract on the grounds of defective performance, provided that the product meets the essential characteristics described in the specifications
  • The stock information and delivery times indicated in the webshop are for information purposes only, and the Seller shall inform the Customer immediately at the email address provided by the Customer at the time of ordering if the delivery takes longer than the expected delivery time indicated in the webshop.
  • In the case of promotions, the Seller shall fully inform the Customers regarding the promotion and the exact duration thereof.
  • Despite the Seller’s reasonable efforts, should an incorrect price be indicated on the webshop’s platform, the Seller may not be obliged to deliver the product for the incorrect price. Instead, the Seller may offer delivery for the correct price, upon which the Customer may cancel the order.



  • The website of Helpee Kft. can be run in all software environments and operating systems in which html-based websites can be displayed. The company is not responsible for any software errors that may occur for any reason during the operation of its website.
  • In the event of a defect, the Seller requests the Customer to inform the Seller as soon as possible in order to rectify the defect and take the necessary measures.



  • If you are a returning customer, the Seller will ask you to register and log in to the webshop to speed up your purchase. During registration, you must enter your email address, username, name, phone number, shipping address, and billing address. Only one registration can be made for one email address
  • Upon the first purchase, the Customer will receive an automatic registration generated by the Seller on the webshop based on the email address provided and an email notification. In this process, the Customer does not need to provide a password, as the registration email contains a basic password.
  • Your data provided for the purpose of registration will be processed by the Seller with a view to performing the contract, in accordance with Section 13/A of the E-Commerce Act, until the cancellation of your registration or the fulfilment of your current order, and will not be disclosed to any other person.
  • The Customer shall provide their own true data when making a purchase or registering. The Seller shall bear no liability if the Customer uses its services on another person’s behalf or using another person’s data.
  • The Seller shall bear no liability for delays of delivery or other problems or faults originating from data provided incorrectly and/or inaccurately.
  • The Seller shall bear no liability for damages arising from the Customer forgetting their password or that the Customer’s password becomes accessible to unauthorised persons for any reason not attributable to the Seller.



  • The Customer can start shopping without registration.
  • The Customer acknowledges that the Seller will automatically generate a registration for the first purchase on the basis of the email address provided in the webshop, which will be notified to the Customer by email. In this process, the Customer does not need to provide a password, as the registration email contains a basic password. If you wish to make your next purchase using the same email address, you must log in
  • The Customer selects the quantity of the product(s) to be purchased.
  • By clicking on the “Add to Cart” button, the Customer places the selected products in a virtual cart. Click on the shopping bag icon in the top right corner to check the current status. You can change the quantity of the product or delete the product by clicking on the “Remove” button.
  • If the Customer wishes to add more products to the cart, the Customer should click on the X button on the left inside the Cart to close the Cart and continue the purchase. If you do not wish to purchase any more products, you should check the quantity of the products to be purchased. The contents of the cart can be deleted by clicking on the “Remove” icon.
  • If every desired product has been added in the cart, the Customer may start the ordering process by clicking on the “Continue to Checkout” button. This is where you enter the details required for delivery (name, email address, delivery/billing details, phone number) and where you can add notes to your order.
  • If the Customer has a coupon, it can be entered and validated here.
  • Here, the Customer can check the content of the order, the amount of the order and the delivery costs again. If the Customer finds everything in order, they should click on the “Submit Order” button.
  • The website will then automatically redirect the Customer to SimplePlay, where the transaction will be processed with high security.
  • Available Shipping Methods:
    • Home delivery by courier
  • The Customer accepts that the current packaging and postage prices can be obtained from the current prices generated on the website during the ordering process.
  • Any other mode of delivery is possible only in the event of the Seller’s express and written agreement, notified to the Customer.


6.11. Available Payment Methods:

The Customer can settle the amount of their order in the following ways:

ONLINE bank card payment via the SimplePay system: directly after placing the order. Our webshop will automatically redirect you to SimplePay after you click on the “Submit Order” button. In all cases, the transaction takes place within SimplePay’s own system, with special security.


Steps of the transaction:

  1. By clicking on the “Submit Order” button, the Customer will be redirected to the SimplePay payment page, where they can start the transaction by entering their credit card details.
  2. After entering the card data, we always recommend that the Customer check the correctness of the data.
  3. The processing of the bank transaction is started by the bank processor
  4. The Customer will be notified of the result of the payment by email, and will be redirected by SimplePay to the website


Cash payment is not possible.

  • By accepting the terms of purchase, the Customer accepts these General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Notice.
  • Correction of incorrectly entered data: Before finishing the ordering process, the Customer can return to the previous phase at any time to correct the data entered.
  • Click on “Submit Order” to finalise the order. Before that, you can check the data or change the contents of the cart.
  • When placing an order, the Customer will automatically receive a summary page of the order on the website, where they can see the details of their order. In addition, the Customer will automatically receive a confirmation summary of the order immediately to the email address provided.
  • In addition to the order summary, OTP SimplePay sends a confirmation to the Customer in case of a successful payment, in which the Customer can see the payment summary. In case the payment is unsuccessful, if the Customer is registered with SimplePay, they will receive an email informing them that the payment has failed.
  • After the previous points have been fulfilled (successful payment and receipt of the summary page), the szamlazz.hu system sends an electronic invoice to the email address provided by the Customer, listing the products purchased and the payment method
  • When the parcel is dispatched – when it arrives in the courier service’s system – the Customer will receive a notification to the email address provided that a parcel has been prepared for them. The Customer will then receive a notification to their e-mail address on the morning of the day of delivery, indicating the exact time of delivery.
  • After the delivery of the purchased products in the order section of the webshop, the webshop administrator

sets the status of the order to “Completed”, at which point the Customer will receive a final notification to their email address that their order has been completed.



  • Orders are processed between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on working days.
  • The general deadline for completion is: 2-5 days
  • The completion/delivery time indicated in the webshop and in these GTC is indicative, and the Seller shall inform the Customer immediately at the email address provided by the Customer at the time of ordering if the delivery takes longer than the expected delivery time indicated in the webshop.
  • If the Customer, who is a consumer, has a special interest in the fulfilment of the order within the general deadline for completion set out in these GTC, i.e. compliance with the deadline for completion is essential for the Customer, the Customer shall at least indicate this fact as a “comment” to the Seller when placing the order. If the Customer does not make such a declaration to the Seller, the Customer shall not be entitled to withdraw without setting an additional time limit
  • Confirmation after processing: The Seller shall confirm the Customer’s order within 1 working day at the latest, on the terms and conditions it undertakes to fulfil. If there is a defect or deficiency in the products or prices in the webshop, or if the delivery of the product is expected to take longer than indicated in the webshop, the Seller shall inform the Customer of these circumstances in the confirmation email. If the content of the Seller’s confirmation is identical to the Customer’s order, the written contract between the parties shall be deemed to have been concluded upon the Seller’s confirmation. If the Seller confirms the order with different conditions in any respect, it shall be considered as a new offer, and the Seller shall be bound by the offer for the terms communicated for 3 days, and in case of acceptance of the terms within the deadline, the contract shall be concluded between the parties with the content communicated by the Seller, and in case of non-acceptance or in the absence of the Customer’s declaration, the Seller shall no longer be bound by the offer and the order shall be cancelled.
  • The Seller shall not bear any liability for any change of any technical information or specifications not announced preliminarily which take place due to the supplier or reasons beyond the Seller’s control. The Seller reserves the right to reject orders already confirmed, in whole or in part, if it is unable to fulfil them for reasons beyond its control and unknown to it. Partial delivery shall only be possible upon preliminary consultation with the Customer. If the Seller is unable to fulfil its contractual obligations due to the above, the Seller shall immediately inform the Customer thereof and refund the amount paid by the Customer without delay, but no later than within thirty days.



  • The contract concluded between the parties is a distance contract concluded by electronic means, which shall be deemed to be in writing pursuant to Section 6:7 and 6:70 of the Civil Code, since the mutual and unanimous expression of the parties’ intentions is contained in the declarations of the contracting parties, which are set out in a separate document, and the content of the declarations is reproduced in a form suitable for identifying the declarant and the time at which the declaration was made.
  • The Seller shall record and store the contract concluded on the basis of the mutual declarations, which shall be filed and the content of the contract shall be subsequently accessible on the basis of the confirmation of the contract sent to the Customer’s email address or on the basis of the new offer accepted by the Customer.
  • The language of the contract between the parties is



  • The Customer is obliged to inspect the parcel or the delivered products in the presence of the courier upon delivery, to check the quantity of the ordered goods, their integrity, their conformity with the order and in case of any damage, deficiency or delivery mistake detected on the products, packaging, the Customer is obliged to request a report to be drawn up.
  • In case of external damage visible on the packaging, the Customer is not obliged to accept the package. The Seller shall not accept posterior complaints in the absence of a report.
  • Packages shall be delivered on business days, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.



10.1. Until the purchase price is paid in full, the product remains the property of Helpee Kft. If, for whatever reason, the goods are taken into the Customer’s possession before the purchase price has been paid in full, the Customer shall be liable to the Seller for damages for which no compensation can be claimed from anyone.



  • Pursuant to Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council and Decree 45/2014. (II.26.) on the detailed rules for contracts between consumers and businesses, in general, the Consumer may withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within 14 days of receipt of the ordered product, and return the ordered product. The right of withdrawal is only available to Customers who are consumers under the Civil Code. The right of withdrawal does not apply to businesses, i.e. a person acting in the course of their profession, self-employed occupation or business.
  • With regard to paragraph e) of Section 29(1)(e) of Gov. Decree 45/2014. (II.26.) on the detailed rules of contracts between consumers and businesses, the consumer may not exercise their right of withdrawal without giving reasons in respect of goods in sealed packaging which cannot be returned after opening following delivery for health or hygiene reasons.


11.3. The single-use paper pee funnel sold by Helpee Kft. is a product that cannot be returned after opening following delivery for health or hygiene reasons.

  • With this in mind, the Seller gives the Customer the possibility, in the event that the product was not as described and was not fit for its purpose, i.e. if the Customer considers that the product has a quality defect, to describe the nature of the problem and the reason for their dissatisfaction to the Seller’s e-mail address (hello@helpee.hu) and to provide photographic evidence of this, and then the Seller shall refund the purchase price paid by the Customer within 30 days, if the latter so requests. The Seller reserves the right not to refund the purchase price to the Customer in the event of a report that is undoubtedly unfounded and made in bad faith.



  • The obligor is in default of performance if the service does not meet the quality requirements set out in the contract or in law at the time of performance. The obligor is not in default of performance if the rightsholder was aware of the default at the time of the conclusion of the contract or had to be aware of the default at the time of the conclusion of the contract.
  • A clause in the contract between a consumer and a business that derogates from the provisions of this Chapter relating to guarantees and warranties to the detriment of the consumer shall be null and void


12.1. Liability for defects

  • In which cases can you claim liability for defects? In case of non-contractual performance by the Seller, the Customer may assert a claim for liability for defects against the Seller in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code.
  • What are your rights when claiming liability for defects? The Customer may elect to assert the following claims under warranty for defects: they may request repair or replacement, except in cases where the request is infeasible or if the Seller would incur unreasonable additional costs in comparison to the fulfilment of other claims.
  • If the repair or replacement was not requested or could not be requested, the Customer may request a proportionate reduction of the consideration or have the defect repaired or replaced at the Seller’s expense (except in the case of a contract between a consumer and a business for the sale of goods which are movable, the supply of digital content or the provision of digital services) or, as a last resort, may withdraw from the contract. The Customer shall be entitled to transition from one instance of liability for defects claim to another; however, the Customer shall bear any costs associated with the transition, except if the transition is justified or attributable to the Seller.
  • What is the deadline for enforcing a liability for defects claim? The Customer is obliged to give notification of the defect after its detection without delay, but within two months from the detection of the defect, at the latest. Please note, however, that you cannot claim any rights beyond the limitation period of two years (1 year for non-consumers) from the date of performance of the contract.
  • According to the rules of Gov. Decree 373/2021. (VI. 30.) on the detailed rules for contracts between consumers and businesses for the sale of goods and the supply of digital content and services, a defect discovered within one year of the date of performance of the goods shall be presumed to have existed at the time of performance of the goods, unless this presumption is incompatible with the nature of the goods or the nature of the defect, unless it is proved otherwise.
  • Thus, in the case of a Customer who is a consumer, there is no other condition for the assertion of a warranty claim within one year of performance other than the notification of the defect, if the Customer proves that the product or service was provided by the Seller. However, after the expiry of one year from the date of performance, the Customer shall be obliged to prove that the defect discovered by the Customer existed at the time of performance.
  • Pursuant to paragraph a) of Section 12(2) of the Gov. Decree, the consumer is also entitled to claim a proportionate reduction of the consideration or to terminate the sales contract, depending on the seriousness of the breach of contract, if the business has not carried out the repair or replacement or has carried it out, but has failed, in whole or in part, to ensure the return of the replaced goods at its own expense or if, because the repair or replacement is impossible or would involve disproportionate additional expense, it has refused to make the goods conform to the contract.
  • Pursuant to the further points of Section 12(2), the consumer is also entitled to claim a proportionate reduction of the consideration or to terminate the sales contract, depending on the seriousness of the breach of contract, if there is a repeated failure of performance, despite the fact that the business has attempted to bring the goods into conformity with the contract; or if the lack of performance is of such a serious nature as to justify immediate price reduction or immediate termination of the sales contract; or if the business has not undertaken to bring the goods into conformity with the contract or if it is clear from the circumstances that the trader will not bring the goods into conformity within a reasonable time or without significant detriment to the consumer.
  • If the consumer intends to terminate the sales contract on the grounds of defective performance, the business shall be obliged to evidence that the defect is insignificant.
  • A reduction of consideration shall be considered to be proportionate if the amount of reduction equals to the difference between the goods due to the consumer and value of goods actually delivered to consumer.
  • The Consumer’s right of liability for defects related to the termination of the sales contract may be exercised by means of a legal declaration addressed to the company expressing the decision to terminate the contract.
  • If defective performance affects only a part of the goods delivered under the sales contract and the conditions of exercising the right to terminate the contract are met with respect to such goods, the consumer may terminate the sales contract with respect to the defective goods only, however, the consumer may also terminate the contract with respect to any other goods acquired together with the defective goods, if the consumer cannot reasonably be expected to keep only the goods in conformity with the contract.


12.2. Product liability

  • In which cases can you claim product liability? In the event of a defect in a product, the Customer may assert a product warranty claim against the manufacturer or distributor of the movable item.
  • When is a product considered defective? A product is considered defective if it does not meet the quality requirements applicable when it was placed on the market, or does not have the characteristics outlined in the description provided by the manufacturer.
  • What are your rights when claiming product liability? Under a product warranty claim, the Customer may only request the repair or replacement of the defective product.
  • What is the deadline for enforcing a product liability claim? A product warranty claim may be made by the Customer within two years from the product’s placing on the market by the manufacturer. The Customer shall lose this right with the lapse of that time limit.
  • Who can you enforce your product liability claim against, and what additional conditions apply? The manufacturer (distributor) becomes exempt from its product warranty obligation only if it demonstrates that
    • the product was not manufactured or marketed in the course of its business activities, or
    • according to the state of scientific and technical knowledge, the defect was not detectable at the time of commercialisation, or
    • the product is defective due to the application of a legal or regulatory provision The manufacturer (distributor) only needs to prove one reason for exemption.


Please note that the Customer shall not be able to enforce simultaneous, concurrent liability for defects and product liability claims.



A sales contract for the sale of goods exists between the parties until its performance.



  • If the Customer has a complaint about the contract or its performance, they may make their complaint orally or in writing, by telephone, e-mail or letter to the above address.
  • The Seller shall investigate the oral complaint immediately and, where necessary, if the Customer does not agree with the handling of the complaint or if an immediate investigation of the complaint is not possible, the Seller shall immediately draw up a report of the complaint and its position and shall provide a copy of the report to the Customer within 30 days, together with its reply on the merits. Complaints recorded by telephone or other means of communication shall be provided by the Seller with a unique identifier to simplify the tracing of the complaint in the future.
  • The Seller shall respond to the written complaint in writing within 30 days. It shall state the reasons for its rejection of the complaint. The Seller shall keep the report of the complaint and the copy of the answer for 5 years and present them to the supervising authorities on request.
  • Please note that if your complaint is rejected, or if the dispute is not resolved in conciliation with the Seller, you may take your complaint to court or to an official body or to a conciliation board, as follows:


14.4.1. The Consumer may lodge a complaint with the consumer protection authority:

Pursuant to Gov. Decree 387/2016 (XII. 2.) on the designation of the consumer protection authority, the district office or the district office of the county seat shall act in first instance in public administrative authority matters, and the Pest County Government Office with national jurisdiction shall act in second instance.

The contact details of your local consumer protection authority can be found at the following link.


  • In the event of a complaint, you have the option of contacting the conciliation board with competence for the consumer’s place of residence, whose contact details can be found here:

(For the purposes of the rules on the Conciliation Board a consumer is also a non-governmental organisation, a church, a condominium, a housing association, a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise, a person who buys, orders, receives, uses, makes use of or is the recipient of commercial communications or offers relating to goods.)

The body’s name


phone number

email address

Baranya County Conciliation Board

H-7625 Pécs, Majorosy Imre u. 36.

+36 (72) 507-154

+36 20 283-3422


Bács-Kiskun County Conciliation Board

H-6000 Kecskemét, Árpád krt. 4.

+36 (76) 501-525

+36 (76) 501-532


Békés County Conciliation Board

H-5600 Békéscsaba, Penza ltp. 5.

+36 (66) 324-976

bekeltetes@bmkik.hu bmkik@bmkik.hu

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Conciliation Board

H-3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli u. 1.

+36 (46) 501-091,

+36 (46) 501-090


Budapest Conciliation Board

H-1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99.

(H-1253 Budapest, Pf.: 10.)

+36 (1) 488-2131


Csongrád County Conciliation Board

H-6721 Szeged, Párizsi krt. 8-12.

+36 (62) 554-250/ ext. 118


Fejér County Conciliation Board

H-8000 Székesfehérvár, Hosszúséta tér 4-6.

+36 (22) 510-310


Győr-Moson-Sopron County Conciliation Board

H-9021 Győr, Szent István út 10/a.

+36 96 520 217

bekelteto.testulet@gymsmkik. hu

Hajdú-Bihar County Conciliation Board

H-4025 Debrecen, Vörösmarty u. 13-15.

+36-52-500-710, +36-52-500-745


Heves County Conciliation Board

H-3300 Eger, Faiskola u. 15.

+36 (36) 416-660/ ext. 105



Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Conciliation Board

H-5000 Szolnok, Verseghy park 8.

+36 20/373 2570

+36 (56) 510-610

+36 (56) 370-005


zolnok.hu bekeltetotestulet@jnszmkik.hu


Komárom-Esztergom County Conciliation Board

H-2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 36.

+36 (34) 513-010


Nógrád County Conciliation Board

H-3100 Salgótarján, Mártírok útja 4.

+36 (32) 520-860


Pest County Conciliation Board

H-1055 Budapest, Balassi Bálint u. 25. 4.em.2.

(+36-1) 792-7881


Somogy County

Conciliation Board

H-7400 Kaposvár, Anna utca 6.

+36 (82) 501-000


Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Conciliation Board

H-4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 2.

+36 (42) 420-180


Tolna County Conciliation Board

H-7100 Szekszárd, Arany J. u. 23-25.

+36 (74) 411-661


Vas County Conciliation Board

H-9700 Szombathely, Honvéd tér 2.

+36 (94) 312-356


Veszprém County Conciliation Board

H-8200 Veszprém, Radnóti tér 1.

+36 (88) 814-111



Zala County Conciliation Board

H-8900 Zalaegerszeg, Petőfi utca 24.

+36 (92) 550-513



In the case of cross-border consumer disputes related to online sales or online service contracts, only the conciliation board attached to the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry is competent to handle the procedure.

Conciliation boards shall have competence over out-of-court settlements of consumer disputes. The conciliation board shall be responsible for attempting to reach an agreement between the parties to resolve the consumer dispute; if this proves infeasible, it shall decide the case with regard to the simple, rapid, effective and cost-efficient enforcement of consumer rights. Upon request by the consumer or the Seller, the conciliation board shall provide counsel on the consumer’s rights and obligations.

The Seller has a duty to cooperate in the conciliation procedure, in the framework of which the Seller is obliged to make a written statement in response to the notice sent by the chairman of the Conciliation Board’s acting council regarding the legitimacy of the claim of the Customer considered as consumer and the circumstances of the case, as well as the acceptance of the board’s decision as binding, and to indicate in the statement the facts and evidence supporting the claims, and to attach the documents (copies thereof), the content of which is referred to as evidence.

With the exception of the application of Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC, the Seller shall ensure the participation of a person authorised to negotiate a settlement at the hearing. If the registered seat or place is business of the Seller is registered in a country other than the one covered by the territorial competence of the chamber operating the conciliation board, the cooperation obligation of the Seller shall entail offering the possibility of a settlement in writing according to the consumer’s claim.


14.4.5 Online dispute resolution platform:

The Seller further informs the Customer that Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Directive on consumer online dispute resolution) established the so-called online dispute resolution platform. The aim of this platform is to promote the independent,

impartial, transparent, efficient, swift and fair online out-of-court settlement of dispute between consumers and traders.

The online dispute resolution platform acts as a point of single contact for consumers and traders who wish to settle their disputes under the EU Regulation out of court. The online dispute resolution platform is an interactive website, available electronically and free of charge in all official languages of the EU institutions, including Hungarian.

Please note that you may only use the online dispute resolution platform if you are trying to settle your dispute with the Seller out of court for the first time and you have not initiated legal proceedings to enforce your claim.

The Seller is not obliged to accept administration through the platform and may reject the complaint submitted that way. Electronic link to the online dispute resolution platform: http://ec.europa.eu/odr



  • For matters not regulated by these Terms and Conditions, Hungarian law shall apply, with particular regard to the relevant provisions of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (“Civil Code”), Act CVIII of 2001 on E-commerce and Certain Issues Regarding Information Society Services (E-Commerce Act), Gov. Decree 45/2014. (II. ) on the detailed rules of contracts between consumers and businesses and Gov. Decree 373/2021. (VI. 30.) on the detailed rules for contracts between consumers and businesses for the sale of goods and the supply of digital content and service. Mandatory provisions of applicable regulations shall apply to the Parties without further stipulation.
  • The Seller is in compliance with REGULATION (EU) 2018/302 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on combating unjustified territorial restrictions based on the nationality, residence or domicile of the customer and other forms of discrimination based on content and other grounds within the internal market and amending REGULATIONS (EC) No 2006/2004 and (EU) 2017/2394 and Directive (EC) 2009/22. The Seller shall not apply different general access conditions for access to the products in the webshop for reasons related to the Customer’s nationality, place of residence or domicile. The Seller shall not apply different conditions to the payment transaction for the payment methods accepted by it for reasons related to the nationality, residence or place of establishment of the Customer, the place of holding of the payment account, the place of establishment of the payment service provider or the place of issue of the cash substitute payment instrument within the Union.
  • The Seller is entitled to use a vicarious agent to fulfil its obligations. It is fully liable for the unlawful conduct of such vicarious agent, as if it had committed the unlawful conduct itself.
  • If any part of these Terms and Conditions becomes invalid or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining parts shall not be affected.
  • Failure to exercise a right is not a waiver of that right. Any waiver of right is only valid based on an express written declaration to that effect.
  • The Seller and the Customer shall try to settle their disputes primarily by amicable means, failing which the parties shall stipulate the exclusive jurisdiction of the Dunaújváros District Court for the litigation.



16.1. The privacy notice of this website is available at https://www.helpee.hu/adatvedelem



  • The Seller reserves the right to make any changes or improvements to the Webshop at any time without prior notice and to transfer the Webshop to a different domain name.
  • This GTC and all documentation, images and text relating to the operation of the website are protected by copyright.

The date of entry into force of these General Terms and Conditions: 01.11.2022 These GTC can be downloaded from: https://www. helpee.hu/ASCF



  • The Fundamental Law of Hungary
  • Act CXII of 2011 on the Right to Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information (Privacy Act)
  • Act CVIII of 2001 on Certain Issues of Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services (Electronic Commerce Act)
  • Act C of 2003 on Electronic Communications (Electronic Communications Act)
  • Act XLVIII of 2003 on the Basic Conditions and Certain Restrictions on Commercial Advertising (Advertising Act)
  • Gov. Devree 45/2014 (II.26.) on the detailed rules for contracts between consumers and businesses
  • Act CLXIV of 2005 on Commerce
  • Act XLVII of 2008 on the Prohibition of Unfair Commercial Practices against Consumers;
  • Gov. Decree 210/2009 (IX.29.) on the conditions for conducting commercial activities
  • Gov. Decree 151/2003 (IX. 22.) on the mandatory warranty for certain durable consumer goods
  • Decree 19/2014 (IV.29.) NGM of the Ministry for National Economy on procedural rules for administering guarantee and warranty claims on items sold under contracts between consumers and businesses
  • Gov. Decree 373/2021 (VI.30.) on detailed rules for contracts between consumers and businesses for the sale of goods, supply of digital content and provision of digital services
  • Act CLV of 1997 on Consumer Protection



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